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Solutions » Eco » Low Energy Lighting

LED's are used as a light source, rather than inefficient halogens that use high amounts of energy.

Spot lights for example, are very popular these days and are fitted as standard with a 50 watt halogen GU10 lamp. Did you know however, that an LED lamp radiates exactly the same amount of light and runs at only 6.5 watts. This means that a room with eight spot lights using 50 watt halogens uses a massive 400 watts, but by swapping the halogens for LED, the energy usage is reduced to a mere 52 watts, essentially meaning all eight lights using LED cost the same to run as one 50 watt halogen.

Pretty impressive, but surely there's a catch?

No not really, the initial cost is higher as the LED lamps themselves are more expensive, but the electricity savings will more than cover this, and as a bonus, LED lamps will last a very long time as they do not burn at high temperatures, unlike halogens which will 'pop' on a regular basis for this reason.

LED lamps are a simple, yet very effective way to reduce electricity bills and CO2 emissions, and there really is a huge range of lights out there that uses this technology, not just spot lights. In fact, bayonet LED bulbs are now available that look just like an average incandescent bulb and fix into pendent light fittings.

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